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Integrated Interdisciplinary Approach

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Integrated/Interdisciplinary Approach

Internet Sites:

• The Logic Of Interdisciplinary Studies
“A concept paper that examines and presents typical types of interdisciplinary approaches in K-12 schools and the arguments for using them. It also describes the history of interdisciplinary studiesand typical curricular organization patterns that accompany them.”

• Integrated Curriculum
Part of the Northwest Regional Education Laboratory’s School Improvement Research Series.

• Interdisciplinary Learning in Your Classroom
This online workshop presents the main components of Interdisciplinary Learning. Included is information about the history of interdisciplinary learning, examples of interdisciplinary learning in action, and a seven-step process for designing an interdisciplinary unit.

• The Interdisciplinary Continuum: Reconciling Theory, Research and Practice
“This literature review highlights areas of agreement in the field and identifies gaps in information. For grades 5-12, it shares how different classrooms along a continuum enact their vision of knowledge and touches on such aspects of interdisciplinarity as language and vocabulary, disciplinary combinations, classroom practices, facilitating factors, and influences on teachers and students.”

• ERIC Digest – Integrative Curriculum in a Standards-Based World (2000)