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Internet Sites:

• Videoconferencing for Learning
Includes directories, links, and tips for using videoconferencing technology in the classroom or library.

• Welcome to Classroom Conferencing
“Classroom conferencing uses video conferencing software, such as CU-SeeMe and other programs, to connect communities, cultures, and classrooms with ease so that students around the world can learn together.”

• Living Schoolbook Project
“The Living SchoolBook(LSB), in its eighth year of operation, is a research and development group within the Teaching and Leadership department of the School of Education at Syracuse University. Founded on the belief that new technology can facilitate and inspire the best work of teachers and students, the LSB encourages and enables the collaboration of educators, students, and professionals in the development and implementation of technology-based projects.”

• CU-SeeMe K-12 Schools Directory

Online Communities:

“List members are encouraged to use this list to announce events in which other K-12 schools are invited to participate; share lesson plans and implementation strategies for utilizing live, interactive video to enhance the learning environment; explore the use of CU-SeeMe to facilitate long-distance learning; identify an audience to view and critique your presentations; and discover and document what works and what doesn’t.”
You can subscribe to this list at the following URL: http://www.globalschoolhouse.org/lists/videoconf.html