Lesson Plan #: AELP-ECL0105
Submitted by: Richard Oakes Peters, Ed.D.
Email: docdk39@hotmail.com
School/University/Affiliation: Augusta (GA) State University Date: November 29, 1999
Grade Level(s): 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
- Science/Ecology
Duration: A reoccurring theme during a typical school year Description: Students are introduced to the concept: wildlife management, and to practices used to protect endangered species from extinction.
Goals: As a result of this on-going investigation, students will demonstrate an understanding of:
1) the concept: wildlife management,
2) the plight of several endangered species of animals, birds, fish, mammals,
3) policies created to protect endangered species,
4) wildlife management programs (local, regional, statewide, nationally, and on a global scale),
5) the need to protect wildlife from extinction — for the benefit of the species and Mankind.
Objectives: Students will:
1) meet with wildlife management officers,
2) read about endangered species,
3) read about wildlife refuges,
4) make visual displays to tell a story,
5) visit wildlife refuges,
6) view audiovisual presentations.
- Community resource people serving as guest speakers in classrooms and as site guides
- wildlife refuges and preserves
- motion picture/still photography cameras and video tape equipment
- audiovisual presentations (films, filmstrips, slides, video tapes)
- Internet web sites
Procedure: Students will be engaged in a classroom and field-based study. They will:
1) read about local/regional/statewide/national/global efforts to protect wildlife,
2) view audiovisual presentations to better understand the plight of endangered species,
3) visit wildlife refuges and observe management practices,
4) collect field-based data on film or tape,
5) write about wildlife management/protection programs,
6) make visual displays that tell a story (posters, bulletin boards, art work),
7) create data-based audiovisual presentations,
8) write reports,
9) make oral reports to the class,
10) write letters of elected officials about the plight of local/area endangered species,
11) write wildlife management-related articles for the local newspaper(s),
12) write letters-to-the-editor of the local newspaper(s).
Assessment: Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills development by:
1) talking about wildlife management policies/strategies,
2) talking about endangered species and why they are endangered,
3) writing about wildlife policies/strategies,
4) writing about endangered species and why they are endangered,
5) creating visual displays that tell a story,
6) creating data-based audiovisual presentations,
7) writing reports,
8) making oral reports.
Useful Internet Resources:
National Wildlife Federation
Worldwide Fund for Nature
Wildlife Preservation Trust International