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Word Identification Strategies – Shared Reading Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan #: AELP-RDG0039
Submitted by: Adriana L. Medina
Email: crfknutso1@curf.edu
School/University/Affiliation: Concordia University, River Forest, IL
Endorsed by: Dr. Lora Knutson
             Concordia University, River Forest , IL Date: July 6, 1999

Grade Level: 1


  • Language Arts/Reading

Description: This is a lesson to teach strategies for word identification during shared reading. Goals: Student will be able to identify key words during shared reading.

Objectives: Students will apply the following strategies to read object words:

  • letter/sound relationship
  • confirm using picture clues from the story


  • Book by Joffe Numeroff, Laura (1985). If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Harpercollins Juvenile Books; ISBN: 0060245867
  • Poem from the McMillan reading series: You be Good and I’ll be Night
  • Variety of objects, e.g. straw, carton of milk, etc.

Procedure: Initiation/Set

1. Begin with the Poem: You Be Good and I’ll Be Night
2. Before reading the poem, ask students to make a picture in their minds of the objects the poet mentions.
3. Read the poem to the students.
4. Reread the poem, encourage the children to pantomime the movements with a partner.
5. Put the poem away and check to see what words they recognize by showing them words of objects from the poem on note cards.
6. Ask the students how they remember these words:

What strategies did they use?
Did they remember the picture?
Did the word rhyme with a word they know, etc.

7. Tell the children that they will be reading a story with you. Procedure

1. Tell the students the title of the book. Then ask them what they think will happen if they give a mouse a cookie.
2. Show them different parts of the book, review beginning, middle, and end.
3. After predicting what might happen with the mouse, explain to the children that you will be reading the story a little bit different than usual.
4. With post-it notes cover the pictures of the objects for which you want them to identify the word, for example if you want them to identify the word straw,
cover the picture of the straw. Tell them the pictures are covered so that they can focus on the words in the story.
5. Read through the story. Then read it again pausing at the words you want them to identify, they say it then you uncover the picture to see if they identified the word correctly.


  • Observe the students while you re-read the story.
  • Give students a packet with pictures of different objects and a page with the words of those objects so that they can cut and paste the matching words and objects.
  • Also after completing the packet have the children share what strategies they used while completing the packet.