Lesson Plan #: AELP-EDT0015
Submitted by: Lynne Griffiths
Email: lgriffiths@learnfree.co.uk
School/University/Affiliation: The Fold School, U.K. Date: February 5, 2000
Grade Level(s): Kindergarten
- Computer Science
Duration: One 30 minute lesson Description: Ask the children to change the color of each letter on a word (e.g. rainbow). Show how to change text size and font.
Goals: Children will use a word processor to alter text size, color and font.
Objectives: Children will teach children that text size, style and color can be altered.
Materials: Word processor
1. Write the word ‘rainbow’ on the computer.
2. Show the children how to alter the text color.
3. Ask each child to type one letter from the word rainbow changing the color for each letter.
4. Think of other words which we could change the color for.
5. Demonstrate how to change the style and size of the text.
6. Set the font at 30.
7. Ask each child to choose a font style and type the font name (e.g. Century Gothic). Press tab twice and enter their name.
8. Press return after each one to create a list of various fonts.
Did each child manage to complete the task set? Can they use ICT to create effects?