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Lesson Plan #: AELP-RDG0038
Submitted by: Christine Lenoir
Email: Clenoir@aol.com
School/University/Affiliation: Concordia University
Endorsed by: Dr. Lora Knutson
             Concordia University Date: July 6, 1999

Grade Level(s): Kindergarten, 1


  • Language Arts/Reading

Duration: Two 30-minute sessions Description: A class or individual lesson using children’s literature to teach phonics.

Goals: Using literature, students will:
1) enhance oral and written language.
2) improve listening skills.
3) integrate Social Science and Language Arts.

Objectives: The student will identify the letter M by sight and sound.


  • Alphabet flash cards
  • letters and pictures representing phonics
  • a copy of the book Mamma, Do You Love Me?
  • M&M candy

Procedure: 1. Introduce the letter m – lowercase.
Use flash cards and review the sound.
Ask the class to participate with you.
Practice tracing the lower case letter in the air.

2. Introduce the story, Mama, do you love me?
Show the title.
Discuss the author
Discuss the illustrator
Ask class to make predictions about the story.
Read the story aloud.

3. Procedure for related activities:

a) Play the game called I Spy using pictures and games around the room, play a game called.
The teacher will give a description of a picture or an object that starts with the letter m. Students will respond by saying, I spy (name of the object ie; monkey, map,etc).

b) Have students point to the object. The teacher will acknowledge and restate the name of the object.
Remind or question students to repeat the beginning sound of the object or picture. End this activity by sharing a special treat. Give every child an M&M candy. Tell the children to hold it in their hand until you give a signal. Ask the children to tell you what letter is on the candy. Once they have responded tell them to place it in their mouths and make the sound of M.

c) Read Mama, do you love me? and ask students to listen for the sound of M.
Note: You may choose to have the children raise hands when they hear the m sound.

d) Write the letter M
Students will practice writing the letter M in the salt or sand box during activity center time. The teacher should guide this activity initially.

e) Re-Read the story
Read this story again the next day. Place pictures and objects around the room that were mentioned in the story.

f) Homework:
Circle pictures that begin with the letter m.

Assessment: Students will demonstrate skills learned through oral responses and activities.