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Lesson Plan #: AELP-EDT0013
Submitted by: Beth Raker
Email: braker@phm.k12.in.us
School/University/Affiliation: Penn Harris Madison School Corporation, Mishawaka, IN Date: January 4, 2000

Grade Level: Kindergarten, 1, 2


  • Computer Science

Duration: Two 30-minute sessions Description: Early elementary students follow directions, make predictions, and analyze the results while using colors.

Goals: Students will improve their skills in:
1) color recognition
2) making predictions
3) analyzing results

Objectives: Students will be able to:
1. use observation skills
2. practice recognizing colors
3. follow directions
4. count and complete a sentence
5. make predictions
6. analyze results


  • teacher-made stationery document
  • chart paper

Have students open a stationery document you have made ahead of time. It needs columns labeled: red, green, yellow, blue, and purple. Make the columns wide enough for students to place stamps in them (such as stamps from the software program, Kid Pix). I named my file “Color Winner. Show them how to save it using a different name, such as “Color Winner br” (their initials added after the title). Their task is to put stamps in the columns based on their color. The rules: 1. Use 30 different stamps.
2. Use only the original stamps.
3. Only use stamps which are mostly one color.
4. A stamp can only be placed in one column.

Next, they are to count the stamps in each row and put the number at the end of the row. They complete the sentence The winner is__ at the bottom of the screen and sign their name. Print if you wish, or save to make a slide show.

Each student comes up to a large classroom chart and signs their name under the color which “won” on their chart. Before they begin, have the class vote on their prediction: Which color will win? Put the numbers at the top of the chart. After completing the assignment, compare the “winner” with the prediction and discuss it. Were they surprised by the result? If you did it again, do you think you would get the same result? If you could use any stamp (not just the original ones) do you think you would get the same result?

Assessment: Were the students able to complete the assignment following the directions? How well do their comments in the discussion demonstrate understanding of prediction making and the variables which caused the results?